
What is Autism?

Autism is a developmental condition that is characterized by challenges with social skills, speech and nonverbal communication and repetitive behaviors. It is estimated 1 in 100 people are on the autism spectrum. Boys are four to five times more likely affected than girls.

What are the signs?

Signs and symptoms of Autism differs from person to person, usually appeared by age 2 or 3. No two children appear or behave the same way. Symptoms can range from mild to severe and often change over time, which is why Autism diagnosis should only be carried out by experts, the characteristics of Autism can include:


  • Challenges with social skills: difficulty relating to people, things, and events – trouble making friends and interacting with people; difficulty reading facial expressions; may not make eye contact
  • Communication problems: may not communicate typically by verbalizing or pointing; instead, they may “hand-lead” to the desired object. Some children focus their attention and conversation on a few topic areas, some frequently repeat phrases, and some have very limited speech.
  • Bizarre/ Repetitive body movements or behaviors: such as staring at ceiling fans for hours, spinning, rocking, flapping and flicking their fingers.
  • Other Issues
    • Sensory Issues: May have difficulty with clothing, noise, music, lights, smells, bathing, any new situation.
    • Self-Injurious Behaviors: May have biting, head-banging, ripping at skin and hair.
    • Some children may have: Gastro-Intestinal Problems such as diarrhea, constipation, bloody stool, undigested food in stool, frequent vomiting, and food sensitivities.
    • Motor Issues: May be unable to pick up small objects, appear clumsy, have balance and coordination difficulties/

How is it diagnosed?

There is no medical test for autism. It is diagnosed based on watching how the child talks and acts in comparison to other children of the same age. Trained professionals typically diagnose autism by talking with the child and asking questions of parents and other caregivers.

What are the causes?

The exact causes of autism spectrum disorders are not clear. Several factors probably contribute to autism, including the genes a child is born with and environmental factors. Research has shown that it is not caused by bad parenting, and it is not caused by vaccines.

What can be done?

At this time the cause of autism is unknown and there is no known cure. Studies have shown that it can improve with early diagnosis and treatment. There is no single treatment for autism; treatments generally address behavioral and learning skills. Many children with autism, especially with early intervention, make considerable improvements and may even mainstream into regular classrooms.

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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a disorder characterized by a persistent three core symptoms of inattention hyperactivity and impulsiveness which occurs at home, in school as well as at social settings, affecting both learning and social relationships.